Køzy - Bistrø à vin
Petit bistrot, situé à Marseille, propose des vins traditionnels et bio français mais aussi du monde entier. Une atmosphère simple, élégante et cozy aux influences Danoise, vous accompagne à dégustez votre verre autour de petits plats à partager.
Le nom "Køzy" est composé autour du K et du ''ø" comme København (Copenhagen). Le logo reprend les différents types de verres à vin (blanc et rouge) mettant en avant le concept du Bistrø à vin. Plus en finesse, la typographie est personnalisée afin qu'elle soit adaptée aux formes des verres.
Small bistro, located in Marseille, offers traditional and organic French wines but also wines from all around the world. A simple, elegant and cozy atmosphere with Danish influences accompanies you to enjoy your drink around small dishes to share.
The name "Køzy" is composed around the K and the "ø" from København (Copenhagen). The logo illustrates the different types of wine glasses (white and red) highlighting the concept of the Wine Bistrø. Deeper into the design, the typography is customised so that it is adapted to the shapes of the glasses.
The name "Køzy" is composed around the K and the "ø" from København (Copenhagen). The logo illustrates the different types of wine glasses (white and red) highlighting the concept of the Wine Bistrø. Deeper into the design, the typography is customised so that it is adapted to the shapes of the glasses.